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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is of utmost importance to Violumas.

Please see our privacy policy below to understand how we handle your personal and device information.

最後更新:2024 年 3 月 4 日


We collect personal information which may include your name, email address, and company name.  Any user may browse the site without providing personal information to Violumas, but there are certain sections of the site that may request you to provide personal information to us, such as contact and inquiry forms.

Device information which may include your IP address, geographic location, referral source, viewed  pages, and duration of visit is collected automatically by using cookies (data files that help users  navigate websites). We analyze the device information of our website’s visitors through Google Analytics.


We may use personal information provide to Violumas for the following purposes:

  • Responding to user inquiries and providing requested products and services

  • Providing information, content, or materials requested by the user

Sending marketing communications which may be relevant to you


Additional personal information such as billing and shipping addresses and credit card information is  collected through direct sales channels such as email or phone. This information is used only for order  purposes. We never sell your personal information and only use it for the purposes described.

Device information provided to Violumas is used for the following purposes:

  • Analytics to determine popular pages, geographical data from users, navigational data from  users, and impact from marketing campaigns

  • Improving the user experience of the website

We never sell your device information and only use it for the purposes described above.


Violumas may share your personal information with business partners, and our parent company (Cofan USA) to facilitate special requests and provide the best solution available to you.  

Violumas will only share your personal information to third parties with your consent. The only case in  which Violumas would share your personal information without consent would be to adhere to legal authorities in cases such as a subpoena.


We collect personal information on our contact and inquiry forms. We may input additional personal  information into our records as our sales team responds to users directly through email or phone.  Personal information is also collected through direct interaction when the Violumas sales team attends conferences and tradeshows.

We also collect personal information when users download engineering files such as mechanical models and ray files from our website. We use Mailchimp to run our mailing list. You can access Mailchimp’s privacy policy on the Intuit website here: Our records are secured on our servers. We retain personal information as a record of the interaction, but you may request for it to be removed from our records at any time by contacting us at

Once we have reviewed your request, we will remove the record of your personal information and notify you.

We use Google Analytics to collect your device information. You can read more about how Google uses your Device Information here:


This Privacy Policy may occasionally be updated to align with new regulations. Please visit this page to see changes and the date of the revision.

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